
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Healthy Pantry Staples

Did you know I can eat healthy sometimes? Since it's January, and everyone's trying to work off the Holiday sweets (sorry if I had something to do with that), I've decided to offer up some low-cal, low-sugar, low-fat, Paleo, Raw, Gluten Free, Organic, heart healthy, preservative free, clean eating (put whatever label you want on the) recipes.

Here are some ingredients that have made me feel like I'm doing something good for my body and what I'll be using for future recipes (p.s. you should be able to get all these at your regular grocery store instead of needing to go to a specialty food store):

Flaxseed (ground)- filled with Omega-3, fiber and lignan's that are great for your heart and help with energy. I add this to muffins, smoothies, granola bars... I probably don't add it to enough stuff but that's a decent start.

Chia Seeds- are packed with protein, blood sugar stabilizers, calcium, fiber and Omega-3... and it's tasteless! It can be put in smoothies, baked goods and can even be used as an egg substitute (more on that later).

Honey- sugar substitute (I put this in my morning tea and drizzle it over a whole-grain bagel spread with all-natural peanut butter).

Agave Nectar- another great sugar substitute and can be interchanged with honey. It's very sweet so if you're using this as a sugar substitute, use a smaller amount. As a side note- it does have a different flavor. The darker colored Agave's have more flavor so if you're a newbie to Agave, try getting a lighter one.

Old-fashioned Oats- they're less processed than ground so more nutrients are preserved. Contains fiber, a lower glycemic index, and makes you feel full longer.

*Now don't get nervous- I'm still crazy about butter and sugar and flour and chocolate.... I'll still include those decadent, delicious recipes, but just for this month I'm making an effort to see what I can do with some healthier substitutions. I guess it's all about moderation, right? Tomorrow I'll kick the month off with a candy-inspired granola bar- see you then!


  1. Hi Trish,
    Read your post this morning & had to go to Target today, came across some organic Agave Nectar & decided to give it a try given your advice. It wasn't too expensive so I bought it. I tried a small taste direct from the container & it was good! I am going to try it in my tea some time, so we'll see! Thanks for the idea!!!

    1. Thanks K.K.! I hope you find lot's of ways to use it!

  2. Sorry for the delayed reply...I did try this in my tea & it was great! Not too sweet & it did not leave a weird after taste either. I also think this product may be cheaper at Whole Foods because it's more of their target customer. Thanks again for the tip!

    1. Yes KK, you may be right about Whole Foods. Glad you got to try the Agave Nectar and liked it.
