
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Kitchen Fixation; October

Every month I’m going to feature an essential product that I use in the kitchen.
For October, my kitchen fixation is an apple corer. Yeah, I know. This isn't glamorous or anything, but it has become a real necessity lately. I told my husband I was going to write about it and he said, "I love that thing" and since he doesn't cook at all, this is high praise.
I went apple picking recently and have found an apple corer to be my latest go-to tool. I really needed it when I attempted, and failed, in making applesauce (gottta love picky two year olds). Even if homemade applesauce is off the menu we eat a lot of apples around here.
the cutest, pickiest two year old
Apple corers do just that; remove the core. It’s made my life easier when I’m cutting an apple because the straight edge of a knife just doesn't carve out the core like the round tubular shape of  the apple corer. The one I have is from here and it's amazing because its stainless steel tube has tough little serrated teeth that can easily cut through the apple and pull out the core. Also great? It’s dishwasher safe. Sold!

I've seen plastic designs and can't imagine them piercing a hard apple very well, but maybe I'm wrong? Anyone have a different model they use? Any Fall kitchen tool necessities in your life right now?


  1. Great tip! I think I need this too since the knife just isn't cuttin it any more. LOL.
